This lists all identified correspondents. Their letters can only be accessed through the Letters page.
Wyndham, Rose (Rosina Tyler), née Saker, 1819/20?-1901 actress, dancer, wife of Robert
Yardley, William, (also known as William Courtley & William Wye), 1849-1900 dramatist, cricketer
Yates, Edmund Hodgson, 1831-1894 actor, journalist, novelist, dramatist
Yates, Edmund Smedley, 1855-1934 actor, then journalist
Yates, Louise Katherine, née Wilkinson, 1830?-1900 wife of Edmund Yates senior
Ye Cronies Glasgow artistic society
Yorke, Alexander Grantham, 1847-1911 groom-in-waiting to Queen Victoria
Young, Sir Charles Lawrence, 7th Bart, 1839-1887 barrister, playwright, amateur actor
Young, George Henry, 1866/67-1896 actor
Young, Harriet, Miss (Harriet Maitland Young, fl.1882-1896, composer?)
Young, Henry Assistant Secretary of the Royal Institution
Young, John Russell, 1840-1899 American lawyer, journalist, diplomat
Yturbi, Miss fan
Zaehnsdorf, Joseph William, 1853-1930 bookbinder
Zangwill, Israel, 1864-1926 novelist