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Enter one or more search criteria, and click the Search button. Searching is very flexible: case and word order are ignored, and words need not be complete. Punctuation should not be included in the search.

charr achu jan would find:
"Achurch, Janet, née Sharp, Mrs Charles Charrington 1864-1916 actress"
and so would sharp 1864.

This is using the default option All Words, where all search terms must be included in search results. The other options are Any Words, where records including any of the search criteria will be found (ie more records will probably be found) and Exact Phrase which requires precise search criteria. In most cases the default will be most useful.

This lists all identified correspondents. Their letters can only be accessed through the Letters page.

Winter, Elizabeth, née Campbell, 1841-1922   actress, author, wife of William

Winter, William, 1836-1917   American journalist, dramatic critic

Wise, John Sargeant (Sargent?), 1846-1913   American lawyer, congressman, author

Wisner, Charles Dudley   

Witham, Thomas Maxwell   conveyancer, solicitor

Wittelsbach, Otto   “of Bavaria” American "lunatic"

Wolff, Johannes, 1863-   violinist, teacher?

Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, Viscount Wolseley, 1833-1913   field marshal, commander in chief

Wolseley, Louisa Wolseley, née Holmes, Viscountess, 1843-1920   

Wood, Butler, 1854-1939   librarian, antiquarian

Wood, Sir Henry Evelyn, 1838-1919   field marshal, Constable of the Tower

Woodall, William, 1832-1901   MP

Woodville, Richard Caton, 1855-1926/27   artist (To Dowdeswell & Dowdeswell)

Woodward, Sidney C.   journalist, editor

Woolgar, William, c.1801-1885   actor